Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Little Mr Man is picking it up a notch with his communication these days. With our last speech therapy appointment Kathleen made alot of emphasis on making different noises to catch his attention. Plus an ongoing thing we do is mimic the sounds that he makes as you will hear in the video below. One sound that he seems particularly interested in is the "raspberry". If you don't know what that is you'll hear it in the video. But bascially I just stick my tongue out and blow. Its quite neat really as it obviously grabs his attention. I generally get full eye contact with him from that sound and then on top of it he mimics me to the extent that he'll stick his tongue out as well! (hence the photo above) This is a HUGE stride for Alistair as he never has done any mimicing until now. He's also enjoying making all sorts of noises. Still not babbling but lots of happy sounds coming out which are heart warming as well. So one never knows but we can enjoy the little strides and dream for the big!

The other video shows Alistair checking out the house while in his new wheelchair. We're working on getting him to touch the joystick to make himself move about the house. However, right now I find he is much more interested in sitting in different locations in his new chair and absorbing the surroundings from his new perspective as he obviously is really checking things out. Another neato thing to see.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Another Year Under the Belt!

sleep in
whip cream
french toast
happy phone calls
garden hose
king crab
garlic butter
chocolate cake
vanilla ice cream
Mom's Diary ~ 1975
card game

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Alistair Got His Learners!

I was quite surprised when I was offered to trial Alistair in the "Tiger Cub" electric wheelchair. I guess I wasn't expecting him to be ready for it or perhaps thought that was something that would be introduced many years from now. That is the wonderful part of having all the folks at the Child Development Center (CDC) focusing on your child, they are always ten steps ahead considering when to bring out the next thing along with the realistic expectations to hold for that child. All they wanted to see Alistair do was have some sort of interest and awareness in his movement. It didn't matter how he moved or where he moved as long as he did AND HE DID! I didn't quite catch the "magic moments" on the videos but at least you get a taste of his accomplishments. When going down the hallway he would stop at windows as well as various artwork on the wall. Although he wasn't looking where he was going he was obviously looking around. It was so super neat. After a few more trials at CDC we will get to take the chair home for a month or so and see if we can get him to purposefully use the thing. So thankgoodness for our open concept one level home.
I did ask Pat Hamilton, the occupational therapist, if one had to worry whether he would stop or loose interest in working on his other mobility such as getting up on all fours or standing as perhaps his mobility with the wheelchair would be easier or more interesting. I guess the research shows that such chairs tend to encourage mobility all around as they become more aware and interested in their overall surroundings. Also, I guess its been proven to enhance the childs intellectual ability as well. So its all very heart warming to see that he passed his first little drivers test and is possibly opening a whole new world for himself!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Lots of Options

Mom has always said that the fact one has options in any aspect of life is basically something to be thankful for...
Looking into this wheelchair accessible vehicle has made me realize we have more options then not. I like to keep sharing what I find out because who knows who takes a peak at this site..... and maybe possibly I will be the one to share it with them first and add to their list of options...
Braun Wheelchair ramps for Vans
  • You can get the ramp installed in a variety of makes and models. Plus they can either be side entry or rear entry. Both have their downfalls and benefits. A couple things to note with getting a wheelchair ramp is you're not allowed and can't tow with the vehicle and your ground clearance is only 6" so look out for those speed bumps. The biggest issue for me though is you can not get AWD or 4 Wheel drive with it as when they do the overhaul they basically gutt the middle.
  • With side entry I've been told its nice for the disabled individual as they are not stuck in the very back as "cargo". So basically they're in the middle with all the family. Also you can get everyone in and close the door and then get organized which makes a difference if you live in the north. However, one of the issues is when you park someone might park so close to you that you can't load and unload without pulling out the vehicle from the parking space.
  • As for rear entry one doesn't have the issue with someone blocking your ramp. If you're in my situation where I'm going to have to take Alistair out of the wheelchair and put him in the carseat have to do that outside of the vehicle from the side door. In addition, if you are having three carseats in the van this option won't work.
Milford Person Lift
Video of Milford Person Lift inuse.
I just heard about this option being available which wouldn't work for us but still is an interesting option out there. You can also get pieces to add to this so you can use it as a lift in your home.
Freedom Seating
  • This is something I'm seriously considering as they now have them compatible with carseats and booster seats. Its amazing as you just push a button and this seat comes out and lowers itself right to the level of a wheelchair. The reason I'm considering this over the ramp is I'm going to have to transfer Alistair to his carseat no matter what as he has such low muscle tone and he's boney that this is the safest place for him. So for me to transfer him inside a van while I'm hunched over is not going to be the greatest option for my back as he grows. The downfall is that I'll have to do this out in the cold and also get a lift for the back of the van to place the wheelchair in the back.....and they aren't the quickest thing out there.
Lifts for the back of your vehicle
  • for some reason I can hyperlink sometimes and others I can't so just click on that if your interested... Anyhow this is one of many lifts available and these particular ones can lift upwards of 400 lbs.
Canopy Lift
  • Now I'm not considering this but this is just cool! I've heard of guys in wheelchairs who have this contraption and go out 4 by 4ing.. They have the freedom lift in the drivers seat, a lift for the wheelchair to get it in the back of the truck and a lift to bring up the canopy...I'm sure this isn't at all cheap but super fun!
Anyhow ....the only place I don't like options is the grocery store. Give me a max of three. NOT 23...who needs 23 options of olive oil to buy?!?! But mind you I've never been a shopper....dislike perhaps if I did I'd love the options?!?!
Have a good one! ~ Julie